Are you limited for outdoor space or have an unattractive wall? A vertical garden could be the solution for you. They are visually appealing and are easy to install and maintain and can be an alternative option to timber or metal screens. Some spaces to utilise can be a fence, wall, patio and balcony.
You can choose from a DIY kit from a garden supplier or create your own from materials such as plastic containers, tins or roof guttering, just to name a few. You are only limited by your imagination.
Plant selection will depend on the position of how much sun or shade the wall receives and plants that have shallow roots. Some ideas are herbs, succulents and creepers.
The garden is low maintenance with watering only required approx. once a week or when the soil feels dry to touch (not dust). The plants are easy to replace if you are after a different appeal or want to add on to the space. The other benefit of the vertical garden is it can be transportable if you want another location or you move home.
Once your garden is established, the vertical garden will be your own outdoor picture.
Please note the images are only for example.