We’ve developed our process to be as simple and streamlined as possible, but when it comes to your dream home, we want our clients to be as informed as they can before they make all-important decisions.

Browse our FAQs below for the answer to your questions, or, of course, feel free to contact us

Can I bring my own plans to quote from?

Yes, we can quote from your plans and specifications or we can meet for a consultation and develop a specification together.

If you don’t have other documentation, such as structural plans, an energy report and planning documents, then we can include this when we provide a quote.

I don’t have plans. Can you create a new home from scratch?

Yes, our new home builders specialise in design and construct homes and are well-equipped to create your home from scratch.

Initially, we will meet with you to gather ideas and discuss time frames, our process and devise a wish list for your project. If you wish to proceed with our service, at this stage we will take a deposit and engage our expert draftsman to develop concept plans.

To find out more about our process, click here.

We’re not sure where to start. What should we do?

Beginning the process of creating your dream home can be daunting, especially if it’s your first time. We’re highly experienced in guiding our clients through the many stages of this process and simplifying it for them.

First, we’ll sit down and discuss your budget. We’ll sort through all your requirements by asking questions, from the type of design you’re after to the type of roof tiles, appliances or kitchen cabinetry you’d like. If you have a scrapbook or Pinterest board you have created, be sure to show us as it will assist in developing your unique concept. Once we start to develop your ideas into concepts, they begin to flow into tangible plans that you can visualise as your brand new luxury home.

To find out more about our process, click here.

At which stage do you require a deposit or a commitment from us?

We arrange a preliminary agreement which allows us to apply for further documentation. This will enable us to provide a quote and prepare documents for a building permit.

To find out more about our process, click here.

Are we eligible for a refund if we no longer wish to proceed?

If you no longer wish to proceed, we will refund you the preliminary deposit less any expenses we have paid to proceed with documentation for your project.

What kind of contract do you use?

We use a standard HIA New Homes contract, however, we are also members of the Master Builders Association so we can use their contract if required.

Can we supply some of our own products?

Our luxury home builders happy for you to provide some of your own products if you already have them. We’ll just need to ensure that they comply with our building codes and practices and certification can be provided.

What is the difference between a draftsman and an architect?

A draftsman is often called a “Building Designer” and has the ability to sketch plans and transform them into full working drawings to be used for the building process.

Architects have obtained further qualifications and can be subject to additional charges in some cases. Many architects will also charge a percentage of the total build cost.

However, a draftsman is still highly proficient in all aspects of creating technical and material designs and drafting up the correct dimensions required. They also have proficient knowledge and understanding of the construction procedures required to suit specific projects.

At Ramsay Builders, we work with a specialised team of fully-trained draftsmen and architects to help achieve your vision.

What permits do we need to apply for?

We are able to take care of all permits including town planning, demolition permits and building permits. We can also obtain other documentation, such as council documentation, structural plans, energy rating documentation and other documentation required to apply for a building permit.

What’s your average build time?

Our build time is highly dependent on the type of project and scope of the work; however, we recommend allowing approximately 9 to 11 months from the commencement of site works.

Do you accept changes once construction has commenced?

Yes, our architectural home builders are flexible to allow changes to be made during construction of your home. We understand that some clients are not able to visualise until they begin to see the process take shape.

If this situation occurs, we will raise a variation to the contract for your approval before any works or changes are made.

To find out more about our process, click here.

Ready to start creating your dream home?

Whatever stage you are at in your journey to create a brand new home, whether that’s turning sketches into plans or starting from scratch with a demolish and rebuild, we’ll find a solution for you.

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